We provide compassionate listening and offer resources and information that you can access in a variety of ways. Connect with a trained coordinator to get started. Call or text 604-885-4088.

A trained coordinator can help you with:
  • One-on-one support by phone.
  • Information and referral to disease-specific organizations and groups.
  • Support in accessing personal planning.
  • Assistance in better understanding the healthcare system.
  • Connecting you with community resources available to support your valuable role.


Are you a caregiver?

Do you know someone who is? Many caregivers don’t self-identify and miss out on available resources and supports. We can help! Our monthly Caregivers On the Coast Support group meets to learn of local resources and supports and to share caregiver information and tips. Contact us to learn more: caregiversupport@resourcecentre.ca or call or text: 604-885-4088


Stay informed about seniors & caregiver-related news & events on the Coast! Sign up for our Seniors Update Enews below.

Sign up for our Caregiver Updates and Seniors Enews

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Join us to connect and exchange stories with others who know the challenges that come with being on the caregiving path. Led by our volunteer facilitator and Home Healthcare Network experienced caregiver BJ Doyle, Caregivers on the Coast offers the supportive environment needed to help navigate your journey with empathy. No matter who you care for – young, old, or anywhere in between – all are welcome!

– August 15th at 2pm online via Zoom – You can join us using this link.
– September 24 at 1pm at Harmony Hall, Gibsons.


RSVP is appreciated but not required. Call or text 604.885.4088 or email seniors@resourcecentre.ca