Poverty reduction requires a community-wide approach that brings organizations and people from all walks of life together to learn the facts, do the work and create solutions.

Your community needs you.
In 2024, it’s time to be brave, be bold and be the change.


We are grateful to the many, many partner organizations, local government and dedicated folks in our community who are doing amazing work to address poverty reduction and equity in housing, workforce and wages, social inclusion, transportation, healthcare, and climate risks.

This is the kind of work that requires collaboration, listening, learning, and the willingness to challenge the status quo. There is no single solution, and the ability for us to all work together to improve the lives of marginalized folks and our community systems so that everyone can enjoy a healthy and supported life is, well, a lifetime of work.

To see a summary of what we covered these past six months, please check out the below attachments. We will also share a fulsome project summary in the coming weeks.

With gratitude,

Chris, Sarah and Dawn


What WERE our overall project goals?
  • Hear from organizational leaders, community experts and people with lived experience about the pressing issues that matter to them.
  • Work alongside a diverse group of people to imagine and create solutions.
  • Be part of dedicated and targeted advocacy campaigns & shared opportunities to take action!
  • We need to highlight the sometimes hidden relationships between societal challenges and poverty.
  • We need to envision new pathways forward to an inclusive, thriving community for all.
  • We need to demand change from our decision-makers and take direct action.
  • Get access to a monthly summary focused on conversations and solutions.




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Stories in Our Community

Poverty reduction requires a community-wide approach that brings organizations and people from all walks of life together to learn the facts, do the work and create solutions.