The Gibsons Seniors Society (GSS) is a non-profit, member driven organisation established in 1958. Harmony Hall, our community hub, was founded by the members of GSS on land leased from the Town of Gibsons for a nominal fee. Run entirely by the efforts of our invaluable volunteers, GSS is proud to offer a wide range of classes, activities and resources. This also includes hosting special events for our members.


Types of Possible Volunteer Opportunities Available:

  • Building maintenance: lighting, bathrooms, kitchen sink (identify what is needed to be fixed and coordinate repairs).
  • Activity Coordinator – convene and direct social events. This is a FUN position
  • Committee Coordinators; e.g. Membership,  Social events,  Birthday Lunches and Monthly Meetings
  • Part -Time Cook in our commercial kitchen
  • Writer for monthly or even weekly newsletters
  • Board Member 

    Fun, friendship, learning opportunities, good food!!