Girl Guides is a place where friendships, adventures and real-life experiences are waiting to be found. In Girl Guides, girls ages 5-17 will explore fun activities designed just for them. They’ll have a blast making new friends, discovering the world and taking on community projects.

With a range of fun kids activities, Girl Guides is a safe space for her to be curious, adventurous, and confident.

Girl Guide units typically run from fall until late spring.


Types of Possible Volunteer Opportunities Available:

  • Youth Leader
  • Unit Treasurer
  • District Council positions – Commissioner, Secretary,Treasurer
  • Event Coordinator


Girl Guides of Canada has volunteer opportunities for you to help create a better world, by girls. You’ll become an influential part of girls’ lives as you share their laughter, help them believe in themselves and watch their confidence grow. Create a space where girls can just be. Volunteer as a Guider today – it’s worth your time.