The Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to sustaining and building salmon stocks in local waterways and facilitating public education regarding salmonid habitat and life cycles. Currently our yearly salmon production numbers at the hatchery for each species is up to 50,000 Coho, 70,000 Chinook, 90,000 Chum and 250,000 Pink salmon.



  • Hatchery maintenance
  • Data Collection
  • Spawning and working with adults who return in the fall
  • Administrative work
  • Event organization
  • Grant writing
  • Building and equipment maintenance
  • Grounds and trail maintenance


The hatchery could not operate on the scale that it does without the tremendous efforts of the community, our volunteers and our two staff. Our volunteer application forms can be found on our website or picked up at the hatchery.