If you want to get involved but are uncertain of committing to volunteering, fear not! There are plenty of opportunities that do not require a weekly or even monthly commitment. For example, just last month, volunteers helped to run a successful Oktoberfest hosted by the Sechelt Downtown Business Association and the invasive species removal project at Roberts Creek organized by Streamkeepers. There are opportunities across many interests for everyone to enjoy.
Volunteering is not only a way to take part in an event but also to feel good while doing it! These one-time events provide an excellent way to get out in the community and talk to like-minded people, but it can also be a fun and fulfilling thing to do with a friend or family member.
Send an email to volunteersc@resourcecentre.ca to get added to our Volunteer email list. We will simply let you know what kind of events and opportunities are coming up, and you can decide whether or not it’s the right fit for you! Don’t worry; we will not clog up your inbox, these will only be sent out on a monthly basis.